Living with varicose veins can be challenging. Everyone thinks they are a nuisance, but these bulging veins can be much worse. If you don’t take care of them, they will only get worse over time. Varicose veins can become so pronounced that they look like ropes running across the surface of your skin. Your legs may ache all the time. Staying off your feet isn’t going to solve the problem. You need help from a vein specialist and sclerotherapy.
How Can Sclerotherapy Help You?
Sclerotherapy is a simple procedure that can address the problems caused by faulty valves in the veins running through your legs. The valves are supposed to open as the blood passes through, closing as it continues traveling toward your heart. Varicose veins develop when the valves don’t close. This allows blood to flow in the wrong direction, creating a pool that only gets larger over time. This causes your veins to swell. Compression stockings and walking may help you to improve your circulation. However, these options won’t cure varicose veins. Sclerotherapy targets your problem veins. An irritant is injected into a varicose vein, causing its walls to collapse. Your blood won’t be able to travel through your problem vein any longer. The body is amazing. It will reroute the blood to another vein. Meanwhile, your treated vein will gradually be absorbed by your body. You will have clear skin once again. You won’t have to worry about your varicose veins getting the best of you.
What to Expect with Sclerotherapy
Your sclerotherapy treatment will be short. It can be performed in our vein specialist’s office. Once your problem veins have been identified, you can receive injections of the irritant. After your injections, you will be given compression stockings to wear for at least the first week after your procedure. You’ll be encouraged to walk when you get home. Continue walking on a daily basis. You may choose to wear compression stockings for a few hours a day to keep your circulation on track. Cut back on the amount of salt in your diet and drink plenty of water. You can help yourself to avoid problems with more varicose veins in the future.
Get Ready to Take the Next Step
To find out if sclerotherapy can help you, get in touch with our team at Venus Vein Clinic in Omaha. Your veins will be evaluated. Our doctor will talk to you about your health history as well to determine the best treatment plan for you. Contact us today to schedule your consultation!